Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So Jennywooz hosted a contest for the best Ranch themed unitz. Who ever won, would host her birthday in their unitz. Jenny announced the winner at Wooz the Wooz tonight. First she announced the runners up who were Glitz7, Friendsfornow, & some other people I forgot. xD Then she announced the winner. The winner was Sunset916. CONGRADULATIONS! (doubt it she sees this xD) Im sure she worked really hard! But what I noticed is, Jenny announced a lot of 'famous' woozens as runners up. Now, I know it goes by the best unitz, but like every contest a 'famous' person wins. I really think its unfair. Like at Max's Game Show on Monday, Max commented on Jedimaster2, Ryan-backup, Taylor180y, Kristenfaith88, & Friendsfornow's pages on Woozin. Now, if a 'regular' woozen asked him to do that, I doubt he would say yes. I think it is really unfair for some people...

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