Monday, July 22, 2013

New Woozguide

Hey Streamerz! Well today, there was an announcement made by Jennywooz, ^o^ Cutedizzyway -woozguide- Went on vacation! So lillyMcElroy aka -XxScarexX- took her place as woozguide o : but cutedizzyway is still one, i think. IT looks like igrettesnow or how ever you spell her name got fired ='.'=

Until next time,


  1. So...when exactly did lilly get picked to be the woozguide, and when will the next woozguidez be picked?? :I

  2. Erm....when will the new woozguidez be picked again because I signed up and I really want to know. So does my little brother. :P Hehe. Also...what month did lillymcelroy become woozguide?? :I

    1. New woozguideZ will be announced in a month or so.

  3. i really want to be a woos guide because its like my dream and i have been playing the game for a long time to its like my second home if i could i would say thank you to everyone for making this game happen
